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National AJET e:Connect
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Featured this month in AJET Connect

March Issue
In this Month's Issue...
This month's AJET Connect features: AJET Elections, Around the World in Eighty Days with Peace Boat, Kabuki, March Cultural Events and more! Be sure to download it from the download bar above!
One Year Later
One Year Later
Find out what JETs have been doing to make a difference since the 3.11 Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami in 2011.
AJET Elections
AJET Elections - Vote now!
The voting for the 2012 AJET Elections is officially open! The ballots close on Wednesday March 21st at midnight. Please review the list of candidates here, and cast your votes here.
Also in this month's AJET Connect...

Taveling - Various JETs
Read about JETs and their travel experiances in Japan and around the world. This month: Macau, Berlin, and Izush Hyogo.
Life After JET  
Life After JET - Sylbeth Kennedy
"Through emails and phone calls, our team was able to find thousands of American citizens reported missing by their families. Being able to tell someone in the States that their loved one is alive and well made the long hours worth it." Read more in this month's AJET Connect!
Peer Support Group
Professional Development and AJET  
Professional Development and AJET
AJET Education and Professional Development supports AJET Members as education professionals. Also, don't forget to check back to our education section which is always being updated.

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© National AJET 2012