FAQ & Constitution

Questions Regarding AJET

The National AJET Council works to enhance the lives of JET Programme participants. We also represent your views and concerns to CLAIR and the government ministries that manage the JET Programme.

We do so by maintaining a close working relationship with CLAIR throughout the year, highlighted by our face-to-face forums called the AJET-CLAIR-MEXT-MIC-MOFA Opinion Exchange Meeting.

The National AJET Council coordinates broader AJET activities around Japan, including:

  • Peer Support Group Hotline
  • Publication of the online magazine AJET Connect
  • Providing support to AJET Groups
  • Negotiating discounts off relevant goods and services to JETs
  • Maintaining the new and improved website www.ajet.net
  • Coordinating charity initiatives and volunteering projects

AJET is a wholly independent volunteer organization, whose committee members are elected by JETs on an annual basis. AJET works alongside, but independently of, CLAIR to offer JETs the resources support and community needed to improve their experience on the JET Programme.

AJET cannot intervene between work discrepancies.

Although local groups such as Special Interest Groups, Nationality Groups, and the Peer Support Group run under the umbrella of National AJET, AJET Prefectural Chapters and these local groups operate on an autonomous level, providing events and information relevant to smaller audiences of JETs and members.

Although AJET groups and National AJET are autonomous, they form a broad support network working to improve the lives of JETs all over Japan.

Almost all prefectures in Japan offer a local AJET group or chapter. Prefectural Chapters organize social and charity events and offer area-specific advice for life in Japan and teaching. Content and frequency of events vary from prefecture to prefecture. For more information about your local chapter click here: https://ajet.net/regional-ajet-chapters/

Some prefectures do not have an active chapter but this does not mean that you cannot work to create your own! National AJET can help any energetic, creative individuals who want to start or revive local chapters. If you are interested in reviving your local chapter, please contact your Block Representative.

There are plenty of opportunities for JETs to get involved in AJET projects without being official representatives. You can do this within your prefecture, with a Special Interest Group, or at a national level through a range of charity and other initiatives. Just get in touch with your local AJEt rep or Block Representative for advice! We also need people to respond to our surveys in order to help with representing JET issues to CLAIR.

People who want to step up to organize AJET projects and help keep things running smoothly from year to year can become official representatives on local or national committees. Some of these will have elections– for example, National AJET’s elections usually occur in February or March. AJET always needs energetic, capable people to run the show– there is so much to do! If you want to contribute to the JET community in this way, again, get in touch with you local AJET rep or Block Representative. All contact information is available here.

Clair supplies a regular newsletter, called CLAIR News, which is mailed to all JETs and is available on the CLAIR website.

Right here at https://ajet.net/! As the primary resource hub offered by AJET, explore the site to find teaching resources, information on upcoming events and volunteering, and other useful information.

Some local AJET groups have newsletters as well. This website is maintained by National AJET, and many local groups have their own websites or maintain email list serves for local JETs.

JETs contribute to an AJET-sponsored magazine called AJET Connect which contains articles on various topics such as travel, food, and entertainment. AJET Connect also offers useful information on the latest events and volunteering opportunities.


Association for Japan Exchange and Teaching

This organisation shall be known as the Association for Japan Exchange and Teaching (AJET), hereafter referred to as AJET. The organisation will be known as JET プログラム参加者の会 (JET puroguramu sankasha no kai) in Japanese.

The Association for Japan Exchange and Teaching (AJET) is a volunteer organisation affiliated with the Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Programme.

The purpose of AJET is to foster a successful working relationship between JET Programme sponsors and JET Programme participants. AJET promotes community and peer fellowship, provides support and resources, and acts as the representative body of JET participants.

The membership of AJET shall consist of all current participants of the JET Programme.

The AJET National Council shall be known as AJET 役員会 (AJET yakuin kai) in Japanese. The AJET National Council shall represent the members of AJET to the JET Programme’s administering bodies, AJET’s partners and other parties.

The AJET Council shall consist of the Executive Officers, Block Representatives, Coordinator for International Relations (CIR) Representative and Appointed Officers.

Each elected member shall have one (1) vote; however, the Chair shall only vote in the case of a tie. The AJET National Council shall be the chief policy-making body for the administration of AJET and any policies should be consistent with the Constitution of AJET.

In addition, the Council shall represent JET Programme participants, define the privileges of AJET membership, and establish policies concerning the formation and management of various interest groups within AJET. These groups should operate in a manner consistent with the purposes of AJET. The AJET National Council may also establish committees as deemed necessary.

Section 1
AJET shall have two distinct types of officers:
a. Officers of the AJET National Council. These consist of:

i. Executive Officers (voting)
ii. Block Representatives (voting)
iii. Appointed Officers (non-voting)

b. Officers of groups affiliated with AJET. These consist of:
i. Prefectural Chapter Representatives
ii. Representatives of other affiliated groups (as defined in the Bylaws)

Section 2
The Executive Officers shall be the Chair, Vice Chair, and the Treasurer. Executive Officers shall oversee the operation of the AJET National Council, making decisions between AJET National Council meetings that are consistent with the Constitution and Bylaws of AJET. Executive Officers shall recommend policies to and coordinate the agendas of the AJET National Council.

Executive Officers shall have various other duties and responsibilities as outlined in the Bylaws. Decisions made by Executive Officers on behalf of the Council are subject to review by the AJET National Council.

Section 3
The Chair, Vice Chair, and the Treasurer shall be elected by the national membership of AJET.

Section 4
Each Block Representative shall be elected from within his or her block and will be the representative of that block on the AJET National Council.

Section 5
The CIR Representative will be elected from all the CIR members from the JET Programme and will be the representative of CIRs on the AJET National Council.

Section 6
Appointed Officers shall be appointed for a one-year term, unless otherwise specified in the Bylaws, to perform specific tasks as set out by the AJET National Council.

a. Appointed Officers shall be nominated by the Executive Officers and approved by the voting members of the AJET National Council with a majority vote (over 50%).

b. Appointed Officers will have titles, duties, and responsibilities defined in the Bylaws.

c. New positions may be created and new appointments made based on the needs of AJET.

Section 7

The term of office for all elected AJET National Council Officers shall be one (1) year from June 1st until May 31st.

Section 1
The AJET National Council shall hold meetings in person and through conference calls. Group discussions and voting may also be held via email. The procedure for meetings shall be established by the Executive Officers in conjunction with the AJET National Council.

Section 2

The AJET National Council shall have at least two (2) in-person meetings per year.

Section 3

The AJET National Council shall have meetings with representatives from the Japanese government bodies which administer the JET Programme.

Section 4

The AJET National Council shall achieve a quorum when at least one (1) Executive Officer and at least two-thirds (2/3) of the National Council are present.

Section 5

When organising a meeting, two (2) days notice is required, unless two-thirds (2/3) of the AJET National Council votes in favour of waiving this notice.

Section 1
The AJET National Council shall hold annual elections for the elected positions of the AJET National Council. These elections are to conclude no later than April first (1st), but may conclude earlier.

The Vice Chair shall be the Elections Officer. The Vice Chair shall establish an Election Committee with the approval of the AJET National Council. The Election Committee will assist in the counting of ballots and the establishment of the election process. In the event that the Vice Chair intends to run in the elections, an Elections Officer shall be appointed by the AJET National Council. Members of the Election Committee may not run for office. The Election Committee shall determine various other election rules including the date of elections, in conjunction with and subject to the AJET Constitution and Bylaws.

Voting for the elected positions of the AJET National Council shall be conducted online by the Elections Officer and Website Administrator. The Elections Officer and Website Administrator must keep any private information they receive confidential.

Section 2
In the event of a council vacancy after the election, the Executive Officers shall appoint an appropriate person from the membership of AJET. This member must be approved by a majority vote (more than 50%) of the voting members of the AJET National Council.

Section 1
An AJET National Council member who wishes to resign from the AJET National Council may do so by submitting his or her resignation in writing, by letter or e-mail, to the Executive Officers.

Section 2
An AJET National Council member that is found to be delinquent in his or her duties may be removed from the AJET National Council. Should they have been found to be in breach of their AJET Agreement (see Appendix A) or have failed to uphold their duties as an AJET National Council member as stated in the AJET Constitution and Bylaws, the AJET National Council member may be brought up for review if any of the following has occurred:

a. They have been warned twice in writing, via letter or email by the Executive Officers.
b. A motion has been brought against them by at least one Executive Officer.
c. A petition has been signed by at least one-fifth (1/5) of the AJET membership in that
person’s constituency.

For a review to take place, the person in question must be notified of the action two (2) weeks in advance by registered mail. Notification may also take place by email, provided the council member confirms receipt of the message. The council member must be given the opportunity to address these concerns with the AJET National Council, including at least two Executive Officers.
They may then be removed by:

a. A unanimous vote by the voting members of the AJET National Council, except for the person under review. Abstentions will not count as negative votes. This may be overturned by a signed petition of at least two-fifths (2/5) of that member’s constituency.
b. A petition of at least two-fifths (2/5) of all AJET members in that person’s constituency.

Section 3
The Executive Officers shall appoint an appropriate person from the membership of AJET to replace the departing Council member for the remainder of the AJET year. This member must be approved by a vote of more than fifty percent (50%) of the voting members of the AJET National Council.

Section 4
The procedure in Section 3 also applies in the event that a seat on the Council is vacant for reasons other than resignation or removal.

Affiliated groups must be approved by the AJET National Council. A petition must be submitted to the AJET National Council. This may contain a list of officers, expected membership fees, and any other information the AJET National Council may deem necessary as outlined below.

The AJET National Council can approve the formation of a new group by a two thirds (2/3) vote of the AJET National Council.

Upon approval, all groups are then subject to the rules and regulations of the AJET Constitution and Bylaws as well as their own Operating Regulations, Mission Statement, Constitution, and/or Bylaws.

Section 1
AJET Prefectural Chapters are semi-autonomous groups whose boundaries are consistent with the established prefectures of Japan. The purpose of an AJET Prefectural Chapter shall be to pursue locally the needs and interests of AJET members consistent with the purpose of AJET. Each AJET Prefectural Chapter shall cooperate with the AJET National Council in meeting the needs of AJET members.

a. AJET members in each prefecture are entitled to join their respective AJET Prefectural Chapter.
b. Each prefecture shall have only one (1) AJET Prefectural Chapter.
c. AJET Prefectural Chapters shall adopt and abide by an AJET Prefectural Chapter Constitution and Bylaws.
d. AJET Prefectural Chapters shall elect officers. The positions and terms of office shall be determined by the AJET Prefectural Chapter Constitution and Bylaws.

Section 2
Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are semi-autonomous groups within AJET which address specific areas of interest including but not limited to nationality, language, religion, and sports. The SIGs will be advised by a specified member of the AJET National Council. SIGs shall adopt and abide by a Mission Statement and Operating Regulations consistent with and subject to the AJET Constitution and Bylaws.

a. Each SIG shall be open to all AJET members.
b. Each SIG shall elect a SIG Coordinator.
c. The criteria for the creation of SIGs shall be determined by the AJET National Council.
d. The Mission Statement and Operating Regulations shall be subject to annual review and approval by the AJET National Council.
e. SIGs shall submit an Annual Report to the AJET National Council by March 31st each year. The Annual Report should include accomplishments from the previous year along with a schedule of activities and/or goals for the upcoming year.

i. The Annual Report is subject to approval of the AJET National Council.
ii. If the Annual Report is not approved, the SIG will be dissolved.

f. SIGs shall be allowed to charge a reasonable fee, determined annually by the members of the SIG according to their Operating Regulations. This will be subject to the approval of the AJET National Council.

Section 3
The Peer Support Group (PSG) is an autonomous group sponsored by AJET. The PSG shall adopt and abide by a Mission Statement and Operating Regulations consistent with the AJET Constitution and Bylaws. This group shall support JET Programme participants in a manner consistent with the PSG Mission Statement, Operating Regulations, and the AJET Constitution and Bylaws.

a. The PSG shall elect a PSG Coordinator.
b. The PSG will select and train volunteers.
c. Funding of this group will be provisional upon evaluation by the AJET National Council of the service’s current needs and availability of funds.
d. The Mission Statement and Operating Regulations shall be subject to annual review and approval by the AJET Council.
e. The PSG shall submit an Annual Report including a budget and schedule of activities for the upcoming year to the AJET National Council by March 31st each year.

i. The Annual Report is subject to the approval of the AJET National Council.
ii. If the Annual Report is not approved by the AJET National Council, the relationship between PSG and the AJET National Council may be dissolved.

The AJET National Council shall create Bylaws for this Constitution for the administration of AJET. To go into effect, a Bylaw shall be proposed through a motion put forth by an Executive Officer and approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the voting members of the AJET National Council.

Section 1
Amendments to this Constitution may be proposed to the membership of AJET if the amendment:

a. Has been put forth to the AJET National Council in a motion by an Executive Officer and approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the voting members of the AJET National Council; or
b. Has been submitted to the Chair in a petition signed by at least five percent (5%) or two hundred and fifty (250) of the membership of AJET, whichever is less.

Section 2
To be ratified, any proposed amendments must be posted in full with the ballot and approved by two-thirds (2/3) of the votes received in an online ballot of the AJET membership, provided at least ten percent (10%) of the membership votes.

Section 3
If the vote of the membership fails to meet quorum, an amendment may be ratified by a three-fourths (3/4) majority of the voting members of the AJET National Council.

The proposed amendments must be posted for (3) weeks for comments prior to the AJET National Council’s final vote on the proposed amendment. The proposed amendments must be published in full on the official AJET website, and advertised to the membership on social media and the listserve before the beginning of the three week period.

If there is a petition of at least one hundred (100) members of the AJET membership that oppose the amendment, then the amendment will not be passed.