Connect With JET Communities
Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are semi-autonomous groups within AJET which address specific areas of interest including but not limited to ethnic identity, LGBTQIA+ identities, religious affiliation, and more. Special Interest Groups connect JETs from all over the world based on their interests, and they are made for and run by the community. Each SIG is open to all and are overseen by a SIG coordinator.
Special Interest Groups

Stonewall Japan
Stonewall Japan provides an affirming, open, safe zone for LGBTQIA+ individuals and allies in Japan while enhancing lives through the collection and dissemination of information, maintenance of online platforms for communication, and provision of opportunities for fellowship, mutual learning, and peer support.

Asian Pacific Islander AJET
The mission of the Asian Pacific Islander Association for Japan Exchange and Teaching (API AJET) is to provide peer support for the Asian Pacific Islander (API) community in Japan, as well as to raise local and global awareness about the diverse range of issues that face this community. The group is open to any and all who wish to share experiences and/or promote cross-cultural understanding through discussions, events, activities, etc.

JET Christian Fellowship
JET Christian Fellowship (JCF) is a non-denominational group of JETs who share a common belief and faith in Jesus Christ. It was formed in 1988 by Christians on the JET Programme. The group meets together to develop friendships, pray for one another, and encourage each other in the walk of faith. They strive to share Jesus and His message of hope with other JETs, foreigners and Japanese people they come in contact with.

JETs of African Descent
JETs of African Descent (JETs AD) is open to all and focuses on topics related to JETs of African Descent. This group serves as a platform for discussion, support, and announcements about the JET community. They aim to provide useful information and share resources on hard-to-find hair and beauty products, foreign foods, events, ways to stay connected, and other topics relevant to its members. They also plan nationwide and region-specific events.

Tatami Timeshare
Tatami Timeshare (TT) is a couchsurfing-like community exclusively for current and alumni JETs. With over 400 active members around Japan and different parts of the world, TT is aimed at those that would like to experience new places by staying with locals in those areas. TT is also aimed at those that would like to offer their home or their knowledge to travelers coming through their local communities. If this sounds like a community you would be interested in joining, please search Tatami Timeshare on Facebook or contact

Hi vegan, vegetarian, and veg-curious JETs! VegJET is an active networking community for those of living in Japan. They are a diverse group of compassionate individuals, who support one another by sharing helpful resources, advice, recipe ideas, event postings, and more! Please use the Facebook group to ask Japan-specific veggie questions, to post veggie restaurant reviews, ask about ingredients in certain foods, organize meet-ups, and anything else that will be helpful as a VegJET!
Interested in starting a new SIG?
Have you identified an interest or need worth building a community around? If so, we would love to support you. To stand up a new SIG, please reach out to us to begin the process. For more details, contact
JET Social Groups
JET-related Social Groups have no AJET affiliation but are largely created by and for the JET community.
JET Programme Couples and Families
A group for those current/soon-to-be current JETs and their spouses, kids, and partners. There’s no doubt that we’ll face some situations that totally single JETs might not come across, so hopefully, this will be a group where we can share issues, and answers, and get to know each other.
JET Food
This group is all about what we feed our JETs! Feel free to use this group as a means to trade recipes, talk about gourmet hot spots, give reviews of restaurants discuss food history, information, and other tidbits or to share photos of your own JETfood! Don’t be shy — there’s a whole lot of food in Japan and beyond to eat and explore! いただきます, and let’s eat!
Do you wish to become a bronzed muscled version of yourself? No? You just want to have a good time talking about exercising, eating healthy, and basically enjoying life!! Well, then you have come to the right place. Share your experiences in eating healthy, staying active, and keeping motivated. Hopefully, we can all help each other to get to where we want and reach our fitness goals. There are no silly questions so feel free to ask away!
JET Collectors of Goshuin
Do you find yourself drawn to Japanese shrines and temples? Join JET Collectors of Goshuin! This is a group for JETs+ interested shrine/temple culture and their respective “red seal” goshuin. Members share photos of stamps, guides on buying goshuin and omamori, and special event information. They even have a special Google Maps list of JET-recommended shrines and temples!
JET Help Me!
JET: Help Me! is a group for getting answers to those questions we have all struggled with when moving to Japan. Need help reading the instructions for your AC? Looking for advice on how to winterize your home? Requesting advice on how to get yourself out of your futon during cold winter mornings? We welcome all types of inquiries. This is a platform on which we can discuss and debate, and share resources, tips, and experiences for making life easier in Japan.
JET Backpacking and Adventure
JET Backpacking and Adventure is a Discord Server all about outdoor adventures across Japan. No matter if you are a beginner or have been hiking for years, this is the place to learn more and discuss different outdoor adventures. If you love hiking, backpacking, and anything outdoor adventure, then this is the group for you.
Interested in starting a new Social Group?
Social Groups can be started at any time. To add to our listing, please contact for more details.